Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Barnabe Barnes, 1593: Madrigall II

Barnaby Barnes: 1593
Parthenophil means one who loves young women platonically.
Parthenophe was a siren in Homer's "Ulysses".

Barnabe Barnes Parthenophil and Parthenophe (1593): Madrigall II

Might not this be for mans more certaintie
     By natures lawes enactit
That those which do true meaning falsifie
Making such bargaines as were precontractit
Should forfect freelidge of loues •…enancie
     Tot'h plaintiffe greeu'd if he exact it
Thinke on my loue, thy faith: yet hast thou crakt it
     Nor nature reason loue nor faith can wake thee
     To pitie me my prisoned hart to pitie
     Sighes no fit incense nor my plaintes can make thee
Thy nose from sauour and thine eares from sound
     Stopt'e and obturate, nought could shake thee
Thinke on when thou such pleasure found
To read my lynes and reading terme them wittie
Whiles lines for loue and braynes for bewtie witlesse
     I for thee feuer-schor't, yet thou still fitlesse.


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